VL On-Campus Resource Center
Resources, how-to's, and guides to maximize your impact as a VL On-Campus partner and leader.
Join VL On-Campus

In-Person Civic Engagement
Bringing civic engagement to your campus communities through in-person tabling, civic moments at events, and calls to action.
How to Bring Civic Engagement to Your Events
On-Campus Civic Engagement Tables
Digital Civic Engagement
Digital spaces are where we share information and build community – as civic leaders, we can also share our voting stories and drive others to make a plan to vote.
Digital toolkits
Digital storytelling
Toolkit Library
Bilingual toolkits para la comunidad, with important information ranging from civic resources to immigration support. These can be shared across community spaces: social media pages, listservs, WhatsApp and GroupMe channels, printed and posted in dorms, and beyond.
Important resources, for the community, to support immigrant community members. Allyship includes being a good steward of the resources and the rights we all share, regardless of our immigration status. It’s valuable work. And it’s critical work. For our families, for our loved ones, for our shared futures.
VL On-Campus Partner Announcement
Add your logo to this toolkit to announce your VL On-Campus partnership and drive people to the VL On-Campus resources.