Voto Latino Condemns Trump’s Call for Medieval Punishment of Migrants
Danny Turkel
The President’s request for snake-filled moats and the use of live ammunition against migrants demonstrates a severe lack of basic human dignity by the president.
The New York Times is reporting that, during a meeting in March attended by Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, President Trump ordered the entire US-Mexico border be closed and surrounded by a moat filled with snakes and alligators, as well as suggesting that border patrol agents shoot migrants attempting to cross.
According to the Times, then-Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, pushed back on the idea, which led to her eventual dismissal. Despite the recent attempt at rehabilitating her career and reputation, Nielsen was fine with the traumatic separation of families and shooting tear gas into Mexico – a violation of international law – for which Trump was reportedly the “happiest he had been with Ms. Nielsen.”
This administration’s stance toward migrants and the Latinx community, in general, has been abhorrent since day one of Trump’s campaign. Now the President is promoting the use of medieval torture devices and summary violence against people fleeing the same in their home countries.
Voto Latino fully condemns the President’s remarks and calls on those with the power to do so to use the appropriate checks and balances to remind the President of his duty to uphold the law, the Constitution and the Oath of Office.
About Voto Latino
Voto Latino is a pioneering civic media organization that seeks to transform America by recognizing Latinos’ innate leadership. Through innovative digital campaigns, pop culture, and grassroots voices, we provide culturally relevant programs that engage, educate and empower Latinos to be agents of change. Together, we aim to build a stronger and more inclusive democracy.