Thank You, Senator Sanders - Voto Latino Foundation

Thank You, Senator Sanders

Bernie Sanders supported the Latinx community throughout his campaign and our community reciprocated with their votes.

Washington, DC –  Today, Senator Bernie Sanders suspended his bid for President of the United States. Throughout this primary season, Mr. Sanders was the candidate most sympathetic to and engaged with the Latinx community and the issues we face on a daily basis. He helped us in bringing greater awareness to the violent, racist oppression we are facing at the hands of the Trump administration. He committed to reinstating DACA, abolishing ICE, and providing a path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented Americans currently living in the shadows. He sought to improve our health and safety with Medicare for All–especially important to our community, which is disproportionately uninsured or underinsured. He fought for a Green New Deal to end and reverse the climate crisis, which is also disproportionately affecting Latinx and communities of color.

“Senator Sanders ran a campaign based on human dignity, respect, and fairness, and his impact on this election cannot be overstated,” said Voto Latino Founding President and CEO, María Teresa Kumar. “He continuously sought the counsel of Latinx leaders and community members and it showed in the overwhelming number of Latinx voters who supported him in state after state. We do not take his support of our community for granted. We hope that many of his policy ideas are not lost in the general election. They are a roadmap to an inclusive America and key to growing the electoral base that we will need to win in November.”

Voto Latino will continue to educate, engage, and empower the Latinx community to register to vote and then, safely, cast their ballots in the general election in November.


Voto Latino is a grassroots political organization focused on educating and empowering a new generation of Latinx voters, as well as creating a more robust and inclusive democracy. Through innovative digital campaigns, culturally relevant programs and authentic voices, we shepherd the Latinx community towards the full realization of its political power.