VLF On-Campus: Nuestro Voto, Our Moment - Voto Latino Foundation

VLF On-Campus: Nuestro Voto, Our Moment

To meet this historic moment for the Latino community – in which 7.6 million young Latinos will be eligible to vote – this next generation of leaders must have the opportunity to lead. Which is why in 2024, we are launching VLF On-Campus Partners.

SIGN-UP FORM: Join the VLF On-Campus Familia!

VLF On-Campus Partners receive access to a number of benefits and opportunities to partner with Voto Latino, including but not limited to:

  • Bilingual toolkits and resources for engaging civic holidays, election deadlines, Get Out the Vote (GOTV), and other days of action
  • Partnering with the Voto Latino Foundation for your on-campus activations, including co-branded materials for civic engagement
  • Access to VLF’s online civic engagement tools
  • Opportunities to connect your events / activations with Voto Latino swag and civic engagement materials for tabling
  • Summer of Action civic events, leadership development workshops, and strategic planning sessions for your teams, hosted by VLF and our partners across the country
  • Invitations to take part in Voto Latino Foundation activations in your state and community next year, including possibilities for registration efforts at concerts and other larger events
  • First-hand access to applications for Voto Latino’s competitive student fellowship program for your community members
  • Direct access to Voto Latino’s Partnerships Coordinator, for any guidance and support you may need in 2024 and beyond